volunteer from the heart

year of service

The volunteer is a figure that mediates between the world of adults and children, an integral part of the training system but does not deal with discipline and law enforcement. His main role is to serve as a positive example, support the trainees, help, promote and be a listening ear. During the year, the Shinshins lead the array of educational projects, and are responsible for social activities and the activation of additional educational content.

The Shash volunteer commune has been operating in the village since 1993 and is currently considered one of the largest in the country, each year 26 Shinshins volunteer (22 in the boarding school commune and 6 in the emergency center commune) through the Takm movement, during the year of service the Shinshins live in the commune located next to the village. The volunteer is a figure that mediates between the world of adults and children, an integral part of the training system but does not deal with discipline and law enforcement. His main role is to serve as a positive example, support the trainees, help, promote and be a listening ear. During the year, the Shinshins lead the array of educational projects, and are responsible for social activities and the activation of additional educational content.

For inquiries about a year of service at the boarding school , you can contact the secretary
office@ahava-v.org.il 048748123

For inquiries about a year of service at the emergency center, you can contact Ofer Podem
oferf@ahava-v.org.il 048449606

Volunteering from the heart

The array of volunteers in love includes 160 volunteers either individually or as part of an organization.

Volunteering is done after a personal interview, police confirmation that the volunteer has no sexual offenses and the ability to adapt to activities in the village.

You can volunteer in several ways:

  • Volunteering at a nursery – volunteering once a week in the afternoon for a minimum of two hours, in a nursery.
  • Volunteering at the emergency center – on a regular basis, supporting and accompanying a child or a group of children.
  • Volunteering at the school – volunteering in the morning at the school in the village.
  • Volunteering based on skills – delivering classes, workshops, lectures and more.
  • Mentor – volunteering in the framework of mentoring in a positive, consistent and continuous model in the relationship between an adult and a child.

accompanying families

In the village there are children and boys at risk, who cannot grow up in the bosom of their biological family for one reason or another. The children cannot go on weekends and vacations with their family and stay in the village throughout the year. Therefore, we are looking for families who will be willing to open their hearts and their homes.

Families interested in helping us are asked to contact us through an online questionnaire, in which we examine the degree of suitability. It should be taken into account that the process and examination of suitability may take some time.

For more details regarding volunteering and contact
daphnae@ahava-v.org.il 048748159


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